Tag Archives: crochet

New Amigurumi Project


Sorry for such a delay in my posts!!  I had hoped to be posting on a more regular basis but life got kinda busy with kids & puppies and my part time job at clothing store here in town!!  Anyway, without further delay, my current project!!

This is Jalopie …  he’s a giraffe.  As I continue to work on him, I will post more pictures!

And this is one of Jalopie’s legs.

I can’t wait to finish this little guy and find him a new home!

Last Weeks Projects


Working hard on my crafting to-do list!!   But for now I am going to post pictures of some projects I’ve recently completed.   There are quite a few little turtles in there, but each one is uniquely different!!   Stay tuned for new photo additions from Empixx Photography and upcoming giveaways from Bella Fiore Photography that I will be participating in!  The winner will be able to choose any one item from my North Country Crafting Etsy Shop for free!!

Upcoming Contest Giveaway


I am excited to announce that I will be participating in a Facebook giveaway that Bella Fiore Photography will be having on her facebook page. The winner will be able to choose any one item from my North Country Crafting Etsy Shop for free. And I know there are a few other Etsy shops participating as well!! SO check her out, like her, and let her know North Country Crafting sent ya 🙂


….please stay tuned….


Hello there! I am a busy mom of 4! We have chosen to raise our children on the Canadian prairies in Saskatchewan. And this blog is about our life’s adventure!

I’ve recently commited myself to turning our household into a green household and become more self-sustainable in the process! And starting up a home-based, online business of my own.

I love baking, cooking, sewing, cross-stitch, crochet, books, movies, gardening and most of all my family!