Category Archives: Healthy Eating

What’s for dinner tonight?


Turkey Turkey Turkey!

You must be thinking “so soon after the holidays?” Well, yea. We got a free turkey over the Christmas break at our local Superstore grocery store. But with all the dinners at our families houses, we never got around to making ours! So we’ll be enjoying turkey dinner tonight and leftovers for a few days to come!

So I was searching for stuffing recipes earlier on the internet and as usual, ended up having to improvise a little with my own.  My stuffing has bread and cornbread in it.  And a few other surprises as well!


Refrigerator pickles …. mmmm


what does harvest time mean in your house?  this year for us it’s lots of fresh veggies!  now I’m trying to figure out how to use them and save them so they don’t go to waste!  my first project today was spicy refrigerator pickles.

i found this recipe in one of my mom’s old southern cookbooks and thought i’d give it a try!  enjoy!

Refrigerator Pickles

1 cup bell pepper, chopped      4 tbsp celery seed

1 cup white vinegar 1 cup onions, chopped

2 cups sugar                             7 cups cucumbers, sliced

2 tbsp salt

Mix all ingredients, put in a large container, I used an ice cream bucket. Cover and refrigerate for 4-5 days before eating.  We love spicy food in our house, so i added a few habanero peppers and a small amount of peppercorns.

Spicy Refrigerator Pickles

Potato & Veggie Bags ..


Short on space to grow fresh vegetables for yourself and your family?  Why not create your own space?  I have such a small amount of soil to plant in on the property we rent, I am making some veggie grow bags for a more bountiful harvest for my family!

I made 2 bags this size.  They turned out a bit larger than I had planned, so I am going to use them for sweet potatoes since they get much bigger than other potatoes.  I will go into more detail on creating these awesome grow bags in my next post.


….please stay tuned….


Hello there! I am a busy mom of 4! We have chosen to raise our children on the Canadian prairies in Saskatchewan. And this blog is about our life’s adventure!

I’ve recently commited myself to turning our household into a green household and become more self-sustainable in the process! And starting up a home-based, online business of my own.

I love baking, cooking, sewing, cross-stitch, crochet, books, movies, gardening and most of all my family!